Lazy Sundays with Matilda Djerf

Matilda Djerf sitting on a sand dune in a remi white off the shoulder minidress


Okay so I’m sure everyone has encountered at least one person who you really want to hate, but can’t. 

That’s Matilda Djerf

The 19-year-old blogger and model is the human embodiment of Summer- channeling that Tash Oakley cross Brooke Shields circa Blue Lagoon complexion. And that tan. Oh boy. What sucks for the rest of us mortals are that she is just as radiant on the inside as she is on the outside (it’s okay if you cry at this point). 

Dejerf hails from a small town called Boras in Sweden but currently spends her time travelling the globe, collaborating with creative and creating the Instagram of your dreams. ‘@matildadejerf’ consists of an oh so aesthetically pleasing array of bikini adorned torsos, white threads and foreign landscapes that most of us have so much as saved them to our Pinterest boards. But she says that her ultimate aim is to most importantly inspire others.

We took 5 with her so you can get to know a little bit more about the glowing goddess that is Matilda Djerf

Best advice you would give: always, I mean it – ALWAYS be yourself! There are too many people in the world pretending to be someone else. You need to be you! Everything is about owning your uniqueness.

Star Sign: Aries

How I can relate to that star sign: I am very all or nothing. I am also very impulsive and spontaneous. And I love to come with ideas and start new projects!

In the past life I was a________: My boyfriend says monkey haha, but I think I was a barefoot wanderer.

Favourite song right now: All of me with Nashville cast. The best tv series EVER, by the way!

What is your definition of beauty: My definition of beauty is to be kind, loving and confident in your own skin.

The key to happiness is ________: Really yummy chocolate. And of course to be confident and to love yourself. Without self love life will be tough.

Heels or sneakers: sneakers any day, I am the worst at walking in heels. The only thing I can walk in are wedges haha..

Your favourite Instagram’s: I have so many favorites...

What is the secret to the perfect Instagram photo: Good quality & good light, and then you're ready to make magic


Written by Sheridan New

Photography:  Jess James for Dust and Bone

 Michael Tartaglia for Dust and Bone

Fashion  Remi 

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